Hatch Facebook Christmas embroidery competition

Leading up to Christmas we have seen so many beautiful embroidery designs everywhere, which made us curious to see what kind of embroidery projects everyone was working on at home. So… we asked our lovely Facebook followers to share their embroidery Christmas projects on our page. We received fantastic entries and we were so thrilled to see how creative everyone got!
Some of the contestant have been embroidering for many years and some have just recently entered the beautiful, but occasionally tricky world of machine embroidery. We asked them to tell us a little about themselves in regards to embroidery and also what advice they would give to fellow embroiderers.
Our staff picked their favorite entries that we wanted to showcase and share with you here.
But of course, no competition is complete without a winner. We drew our lucky winner as advertised, so keep reading to find out who the free licence of Hatch Embroidery Customizer and the free Font Pack went to. We were so excited to inform her that she won the competition!
Fenny Zingstra, embroidery studio owner
“I had a cheap embroidery machine and I liked it so much, that I would learn how to make my own designs. My heart was in the hoop designs, but there were no tutorials available about that. So I taught myself. This was in 2009. Now I have an embroidery studio for apparel to make some money. And I have opened a shop on Etsy called Just Softies to sell my embroidery patterns of ITH softies.”

Cheryle Cousin Daniels, business owner
“I found my love for embroidery after buying a sewing/embroidery machine in 2012. Creativity is energizing for me, and embroidery opened a whole new world in a way that I had not experienced before. I started my sewing and embroidery business Jeanzy AZ & Co in 2011, as I had new ideas about working with denim. I now own a 15 needle embroidery machine and couldn’t be happier.” Save a ‘base file. Whenever I create a new design, I save a base file before I make changes, so that regardless of any changes I make, I can always revert back to the first design if necessary. Then, when I make adjustments, I add it to the embroidery library again by giving it a new file name.

Bobbie Lavner, shop owner
“I have always been a crafty person whether it was cross stitch or hand embroidery. One day I saw an embroidery machine in motion in Atlantic City in a gift shop and was totally fascinated by it. I’ve been in the embroidery business for almost 20 years now. I have a brick ‘n’ mortar shop called What A Stitch. I love to see the finished product especially when the design is unique.”
Never skimp on digitizing. Cheaper is never the best route to go. You get what you pay for and I always say “garbage in, garbage out”. If you contract out your digitizing as I do, look for the best.

Nicola Elliott, Artist
“I started my business Picturestitch 17 months ago after I had to leave work due to health issues. I started free motion stitch 3 years ago and won a new comer award in the UK. I have always drawn from being very young. I love the way free stitch looks and thought maybe I could have some of my drawing turned into stitch. I wanted each design to have a whimsical sketch look unique with my signature Heart.” Always use the right stabilizer for the right fabric.

Tammy Clayton, home business owner
“It’s always been a dream of mine to do something with sewing as a little business for myself. Health issues in the past have kept me home out of the work force. So after some machine research, last January we went to look at a brand new embroidery machine. My husband was amazed at the possibilities and said why don’t you buy it. That’s how my embroidery business Simply Stitchin became.”
Make sure you change your embroidery needle often in your machine, and only use good quality embroidery thread as this will help give you a good crisp finished design.

Mary Zanders, hobby embroiderer
“I do a lot of charity work, I been doing it for about ten years. I worked in commercial shops for seven years.”
Always use good backing

Terri Willner, home business owner
“I’ve been sewing since I was a teen, but took up embroidery only about six years ago when I got a single needle sewing machine with an embroidery unit. I’ve got 3 of those now and this summer I added a 16 needle machine which has taken over my dining room and which I am still learning how to use. I have a home business called Very Barky Bags. The bandannas are to support Phoenix Assistance Dogs.”
I do on-site personalization at events. People like the custom aspect and they like to get it done immediately. Jackets, blankets, towels, bags are among the types of things. It is helpful to have actual samples as well as photos and to limit the number of choices.

Janet Shuttleworth, hobby embroiderer
“Having started sewing at an early age, about 7 years old, making clothes for my dolls. I got my first embroidery machine and software by in the late 90’s. I got into embroidery just for my personal use. Having seen an embroidery machine in use, and having always been a sewer it seemed the logical next step. I love being able to take an idea and bring it to life. And I still never tire of watching the machine do its thing.” If you are going to digitize an existing image for appliqué, take a few minutes to plan the order and any layering first. Then write down the steps you will need. This can save lots of time in redoing bits.

And the Lucky Winner is...
Lorraine Balaberda, hobby embroiderer
“I purchased my machine about a year ago, I have been wanting to do machine embroidery for many years. I have been into art all my life, I love sewing and creating things. My retirement idea is to set myself up to be able to express myself with thread.”
I think the best advice is to do research on everything, and buy the best equipment and programming you can afford, it’s best to start with a strong foundation that you can build on.

Hatch Embroidery software is designed for busy hobbyists who love embroidery and want to create their own designs with the benefits of modern technology. This user-friendly software allows you to customize and print your own embroidery designs quickly and simply, enabling you to push your creative boundaries as you bring your original ideas to life.
Learn how to work with images and lettering, and experiment with color and texture for professional looking embroidery designs every time, created by you in the comfort of your own home!