Embroidering Free Standing Lace, plus FREE Dramatic Heart FSL Design

Take your machine embroidery to the next level with Free Standing Lace! Watch Caroline Critchfield create FSL using one of the fonts in Hatch and Sonia Showalter will take you through the process of stitching out free standing lace. Learn from two amazing embroiderers!

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Halloween Lettering Fun with Hatch Embroidery for Beginners

We had a little play with lettering to demonstrate the amazing creative editing capabilities of the software. The only limit is your imagination when it comes to customizing or personalizing items with Hatch Embroidery! 'Spooktacular' downloadable FREE Halloween design.

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Cyril the Squirrel

I digitized this cute design to stitch on a blanket for my new nephew. The original drawing was created by Noel Payne and amazing graphic artist from the US. I…

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Click to Create Beautiful Designs

Create beautiful machine embroidery designs without digitizing using the fantastic auto-digitizing tools in Hatch Embroidery software.

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Learn About Hatch Embroidery Auto-Digitizing

Learn about how to turn your artwork into fabulous embroidery designs with only a few easy clicks and using the various Auto-Digitizing tools in Hatch Embroidery. Save time and get professional results.

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Manual Digitizing with Hatch Embroidery

Creating designs from scratch with Hatch is much easier than you might think. Choose from the many built in standard shapes, carving and motif stamps and a wide variety of fills, and outline stitch types to create something spectacular with only a few clicks. We have plenty of information for you to start!

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Elastic Embossed Fills & Color Variations on a Theme

Splash the Turtle is Making Waves! Find out how to create beautiful textures and add dimension to your designs with spectacular elastic embossed fills and select the best color variation for your designs. Downloadable FREE designs.

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Editing Your Lettering for a Personalized Gift

Find out how to make the most of the 'fontastic' variety of professionally digitized fonts by editing them. You will also learn how to ensure your font sizing is right to achieve beautifully stitched out lettering every time. A beginner's class with video tutorial.

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